Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Lost in Translation

Beau's got some good press this week when we unleashed our first press release on an unsuspecting market. Learned an important lesson too: when you track changes, and then send the PR electronically, sometimes your previous versions come back to haunt you. Good thing we didn't cuss in the comments that went back and forth.

So the best press is a French press. Here is a literal translation of an article that appeared in French-language publication Le Droit this week. Fun!

A microbrassery sees the day with Vankleek Hill
Jean-François Dugas, The Right

A new brewery tradition will be born in the Ontarian East on July 1 thanks to the passion of a family of Vankleek Hill, decided to put forward the products of the soil by melting a first natural microbrassery.

Tim Beauchesne and its two sons, Steve and Philip, launch out in the production of natural artisanal beers in the heart of the Ontarian East and await impatiently the revealing of their broue to the festival of Canada.

Especially that the microbrasseries are quasi non-existent in province, except in the great area of Toronto.

"We do not have anything similar in the area and yet, this type of company should not be so rare," affirms the joint owner of the company Beau's All Natural, Tim Beauchesne.

Its family works since 2004 to develop her product headlight, Lug Tread Lagered Ale. Of other receipts appear in the plans with a future, but all the efforts are concentrated on the first creation, which is characterized as well by its composition as by its nature, while honouring the farmers with the Ontarian East.

"It is a natural beer, explains the representative of the sales of the company, Philip Beauchesne. "We use local spring water and biological barley grains certified without adding additives. We can feel the grain in beer like its freshness. We employ only the best ingredients, in order to create a distinct beer."

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