Thursday, January 25, 2007

Konnichiwa, Fred!

So, there I was, having a pint with Jamie the other day at the Windsor. The Windsor is the local tavern in Vankleek Hill, and it shares a really cool history with the town. Mike and Robby, the two owners, have taken over the business from their dad, who took it over from his dad, who took it over from his dad, too. In fact, the Windsor has been owned and operated by the same family for 100 years (since 1907, for those of you who are as bad at math as I am). I love going there on quiet days to think about how many pints and bottles and darts games must have gone on in that place.

So anyway, there we were, talking away while Mike, who was working the bar that afternoon, was talking to some dude. The guy must have been asking questions about our brewery, 'cause Mike finally said, "well, Steve's right here, why don't you ask him". At which point the dude introduced himself as Fred, the Sleeman's beer rep. We had a good conversation and Fred seemed like a pretty cool guy.

But, Fred gave me hell for not updating the blog more often though, so I figured I better get cracking and write one up. So, this blog entry is now confessional time for all you brewers checking out the blog. I'd like you to comment saying who you are, and what brewery you are from - and Fred, this is a test; you said you are on the blog about once a week, so I'd better hear from you to prove it!


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I'm flattered that I made the blog

  2. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Hooray!!! Next time, you should stay for a pint...

  3. Anonymous1:55 PM

    hey, Ryan from Church Key here... I met Matt and Phil today when they were kegging...

    Good reading your story.
