Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Two new happy customers

I got a really nice email yesterday from someone who had tried our beer for the first time. Here it is:

Hello everyone at Beau's brewery! I just wanted to pass along my first Lug tread experience with you all...

This past weekend, my friend and myself went out for Sunday brunch at Cottage and a Kitchen on Parkdale avenue here in Ottawa. We unexpectedly ran into my Mother down the street, so we invited her to join us for a coffee and a light snack at the restaurant.

As we opened the door, a blast of heat hit us right in the face as we made our way to our seats. The restaurant was so hot, it was reminiscent of days of yore when my family and I used to have giant cook offs in the cottage kitchen for dinner; also it was nice because I haven't felt a "summer" heat like that since...last summer!

As the waitress was taking our orders, my friend and I started to perspire as we succumbed to the heat. I asked her for her beer list, and she referred me to the beer card next to us. We both decided to try a Lug Tread- our very first hear of the brand, and taste of the beer.

The presentation of the beer was epic. They came in full sized pint glasses which were chilled, and had been "sweating" due to the heat inside the restaurant. The heritage design on the label made me think of all the hard work my grandparents and great-grandparents had to endure on the family farm near Maxville.

Now, I know you've heard this many times before, but the beer was beautiful. I don't think words could describe how happy and pleased I was at the fresh clean taste, and the fruity undertones. I work in the business of retail speciality coffees, half of my job is to taste test, or as we call it "cuppings". When I first sampled your beer, it had fruity floral notes, hints of honey/sweetness and a light, crisp finish. I hope you understand that you have unleashed the ultimate summer beer! I found it comparable to two parts Carlsberg, to one part Hoegaarden.

Because of the fact that it was a sweltering temperature inside the Cottage and Kitchen restaurant, your beer went down super fast. I am happy to report that you have at least 2 new customers, and I shall pass along my rave reviews to all my University buddies, and summer friends up north.

Thank you so much for making the perfect brew,
Yours Truly, Bryde Fresque,Ottawa

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