Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Blessings at Beau’s All Natural Brewing

"Mombeau" has some friends in high places. Here's an update she wanted to share with you...

We had noticed sales had been a bit on the slow side at the retail store compared to the tourist traffic of the summer months... up until Wednesday December 13th. That day my parish priest had been asked to stop by the brewery to pick up a couple of growlers and a T-shirt for a friend. While he was there, I asked him to bless the brewery.

Father did bless the brewery. His blessing was not just for the success of the brewery, but also for all those that worked there, and for all our patrons. The blessing was the most beautiful and heartfelt blessing I had ever heard. I loved the fact that he blessed the people who devote so many hours into making this a success, and the blessing for the people that come to our brewery. With tears in my eyes, I thanked our priest for his blessing.

Father left the brewery and all of a sudden the retail store was hopping, growlers were going out faster than we could fill the cooler, gift baskets, and T-Shirts…. this was a day I will never forget. Thank you Father for your blessing, and thank you to all of you who put so much work into our brewery, friends who have helped us, people who believed in a dream, and to all of you who continue to support us with you patronage and kind words.

Merry Christmas and may 2008 bring much joy to all!
Denise Beauchesne (aka "mombeau")

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