Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bryce Day

A good friend of mine passed away on March 8, 2004. Every March 8th since then, I've marked the day by pouring Bryce a pint and a shot, then sitting around having a conversation with him. It's always been at a pub and usually with some other close friends of ours to help me reminice, but the blizzard this year made that sort of impossible.

So this year, I've poured Bryce a pint of Bog Water (it's been particularly cool to be able to pour Bryce a pint of Beau's for a second year in a row) and a couple fingers of Cointreau. Every year I've wanted to do something meaningful in his memory, and this year I actually came up with something: I decided to donate my hair for wigs for chemotherapy patients. (My friend Bryce survived several seperate bouts of cancer and finally succumed to an acute case of cancer of the everything, so the donation seemed to make sense.)

My wife Nicola decided to do the same (she's donated hair once before, so it's old hat to her) and we went down to a hair salon in town, Brian's Place before the blizzard got too out of control. Brian, who also goes by the name Barney and I'm not not sure why, gave me the cut for free when he found out what the cause was. Thanks Barney!

For anyone interested in donating hair for chemo wigs for people living with cancer, it's actually pretty easy. Usually you need a minimum of 6-8 inches of hair that is undyed and in a ponytail, and you mail it in. You mail it to different places depending on what state or province you live in.

Check out these links for more info:

Canadian Cancer Society

Locks of Love

Pantene Beautiful Lengths

And, here are a couple of pics of me and Nicola getting our hair chopped off.

1 comment:

  1. Good on ya, Steve. I've kept my hair in a closely-cropped buzz for 10 years, so I just donate cash. :-)

    Oh, may I ask when to expect Bog Water to arrive? :-D
