Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Two Beaus In the Snow

Before it all melts, here is one more photo of the winter of never-ending snow. Eric Beauchesne decided to wash away his golf course dreams for now with a yummy glass of Beau's winter seasonal ale, Bog Water. Get yer Bog Water soon if you want to tuck some away for next winter, yo.


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I'll stop complaining about the snow down here in Kingston now. Wow.

  2. I tried Lug Tread for the first time last night ( March 28, 2008 ) and really enjoyed this beer. Great taste, and very easy to quaff. I see more of this beer in my future.

    I've posted it a picture of the beautiful bottle on my beer and pizza blog. You can also see a little video I did on YouTube, and also an HD versio on my Vimeo site.



    Lug Tread Tribute:

    Lug Tread tribute in HD:
    ( make sure to press "full screen" to see HD full screen.

  3. I can't stop watching the mesmerizing video!!!!

  4. It's even better after a few pints of Lug Tread, and a pint of Bog Water ! :-)

  5. Anonymous11:50 AM

    what isn't?

  6. I've liked Beau's since I first tried it when I saw it added to the menu at the manx pub in Ottawa.

    Today I noticed it at the LCBO in those really cool (figuratively and litteraly) clay, resealable swing cap bottles. Tastes even better then out of the tap. Now I can narrow my wandering time significantly in the beer section :)
    Glad to see it available in stores now!

