Monday, February 02, 2009

New Concrete!

As my friend Jerry would say “Its happening again!”. Today we set our schedule for putting in fresh new concrete where we will soon start putting in shiny new Unitanks (fermenter and aging tank in 1). We learned from last time that you need to start on the concrete well in advance because it needs to cure for about a week before you seal it, which then also needs time before you can start installing the tanks. We’ll also need to move an 80 foot long bank of lights and possibly move an overhead heater, before the tanks get here.

We started working on these plans back in August, so you can imagine how good it feels to start actually doing work on this. A good lesson learned here – 7 months to line up financing (and still counting, but we can’t wait any more to get working)…so basically, we need to know now if we want to do anything cool for summer 2010.

The new pad of concrete will extend out an additional 11 feet and will run 2/3 of the length of the original concrete and will continue the slope of the original section so that everything will run to the drain. We are using a local contractor, Ivan Conway, for the job. They will be in framing it on Tuesday and pouring concrete on Wednesday.

Best part is that the new concrete will cover up one of the yuckiest looking parts of the original concrete (there had been a machine in that spot from the former company in the building, so the concrete is all chipped and so far 4 coats of paint have not made it look respectable.)

So if you can make it to the brewery in the next few days, you’ll get to see the wonderful start of our expansion.


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