Monday, March 09, 2009

Bryce Day - 2009

So another Bryce day has come and gone. A very good friend of mine passed away March 8, 2004 after a long battle with cancer of the everything. Last year I donated my hair to make wigs for cancer patients and I haven’t cut my hair since. I was hoping it would grow enough that I could donate it again this year, but alas, it wasn’t long enough to donate it yet. Earlier this year I grew a mustache to raise money for prostate cancer, so a few more folicles for the cause just seemed like the right thing to do.

We also tried to decide at what point Bryce would have tried to climb inside our new fermenter. He was that kind of guy, it wouldn’t have been an ‘if’ but a ‘when’.

Anyway, a bunch of us raised a glass to Bryce again this year and talked about old times. Next year I think I’ll have a full fledged party at the brewery. Mark your calendars!

1 comment:

  1. I think Bryce day at the brewery is a fantastic idea, Steve!
