Thursday, November 05, 2009

Free George Wendt! (books, that is)

Hey There,

George Wendt's publisher was kind enough to give us 10 copies of his new book to give away through our blog!

So you will have until November 30 to send in your entry to win a free book, just in time to avoid buying a Christmas gift for somebody.

Here are the rules:

1. Send in something cool.

-This can be a picture, drawing, joke, live performance, a bottle of homebrew, or a receipt for a donation to a charity, or something completely different. It has to be cool, original and awesome. Depending on what it is you can email it to or mail it to

Free George Wendt attn. Steve Beauchesne
Beau's All Natural Brewing Co.
10 Terry Fox Dr., box 279
Vankleek Hill ON
K0B 1R0

2. I will completely arbitrarily and with no official point system award 10 books for the coolest stuff I receive. If I get anything that totally blows my mind, I'll throw in a Beau's hockey jersey (retail price $99) to the coolest, coolest thing I get.

3. You can't work at the brewery or be a relative of someone at the brewery, cause you guys are already pretty cool.

4. Make sure you leave me contact info to send your winnings to you.


  1. are earwiggs allowed to enter?

  2. Anonymous11:21 PM

    At least two of these comments are spam... maybe three.

    I enjoy to read. Perhaps I will share my cool with you.

  3. I enjoyed visiting your booth at the Royal Winter Fair. Where can I purchase a Beau's T'Shirt?
    I'd send you something cool for the George Wendt book but I can only think of being cool at this time of year with thoughts of longjohns and toques and not of doing something cool. Now if it was summer, I'd plan something cool like a road trip to your brewery...

  4. Would you accept a photocopy of a cool thing? I think for legal reasons, I might need to retain my original...

  5. Anonymous11:08 AM

    In case you haven't seen it yet, check out the Toronto Star article. Mr. Wendt mentions Beaus!
