Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I hope she said yes...

Another busy summer week last week that included meeting with potential brewery start up in Nova Scotia, meeting with our financing folks, visiting the House of Orange one last time and more, but this is probably the best story to tell...

We had a special request a few weeks ago, from a longtime fan, Bruce.

Here's how it read:

Dear Beau's Brewery;

I have a special request that comes with a short story. I met the lady of my life Fall 2008 on a first date at Patty's Pub in Ottawa. She enjoyed a couple Lug Tread ale, while I stuck with something different. I hadn't heard of Beau's beer before but I sure had now. I quickly paid attention....to your great branding, to the beautiful farm tractor image (an exact tractor as what I grew up using - International?), to your ceramic bottle, your organic malts, your down home image. I put a lot of thought into her Christmas presents that year and among them was a bottle of Lug Tread ale.

Since then, we've enjoyed sharing Beau's together on several occasions and now I want to be her Beau. This is where my special request comes in. Are you able to do private tours of your brewery, and fulfill a special request? I am looking at a date sometime near May 25th, 2010 (or Monday May 24th of the long weekend), exactly 1.5 years since we met. My plan would be for us to take a tour of your facility together, get a bottle of Lug-Tread handed to us, with your date sticker across the top printed "November 25th 2008" (as if it was brewed then) on the front side, and "Will you be my Beau" on the back side (underside). I would take this on a picnic later that day, as both Leanna and I enjoy hiking, and propose using your bottle as the lead-in.

Can you make a dream come true?

Thank you for your consideration,
Best regards,

Of course we said yes, specialy bottled a LugTread into a ceramic bottle and Jordan made a custom sticker for the "Will you be my Beau for life?" and we stuck it on the bottom.

Bruce was in yesterday and I can't wait to hear the results.

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