Thursday, August 05, 2010

Shiny new tanks!

Hooray! 3 of our 5 tanks showed up today (two fermenters and one bright tank). The other two should be arriving on Tuesday next week. The piping arrives on Monday and hopefully by mid-to-late August we'll have the extra brewing help to be brewing into them, thanks to Rob Long our new brewer who starts this Monday, too!

The Great LugTread Shortage (as Sean Cooley from Moonrappin' likes to call it) is nearly over! Thanks for your patience everyone.

On a technical note for startup breweries purchasing your first tanks, clarifying how the tanks will ship is of vital importance. Our preference is that the tanks ship on a dock-level height transport (closed in, not exposed to the elements) and properly cradled (cradle with wheels, please!). We forgot to specify that and our supplier this time forgot to ask, so it took an entire extra day and about $3,000 to get a boom to hoist these 2,500lb monsters off the truck instead of just wheeling them in.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! You know, you really should start including pics in your blog entries. :) Just how BIG are these?
