Friday, September 17, 2010

Great Canadian Beer Fest

I was lucky enough to make it out to the Great Canadian Beerfest in Victoria last weekend. Caught up with some west coast friends like Paul from Howes Sound and Ali recently with R&B Brewing, Abe from Oregon and tried some super yummy beer.

Folks kept asking if we were planning to sell in BC soon and I kept answering that we were just there to enjoy the party - which was true.

I ended up cutting the trip short though...too many last minute details for Oktoberfest were keeping me up at night - well that and the texts from Abraham forcing me to go out late. But I'm glad I went.

Today is the first meeting of volunteers for Oktoberfest, so I'm pretty excited about seeing how it all goes. We're going to have somewhere around 300 people volunteering in different jobs over the course of the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love the new Lug Tread Ale! Clean, delicious and refreshing! Almost TOO good if thats possible.
