Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beau's Rumours...Myth Busters Beau's Styles

So, we've been hearing some good rumours around town again, which always gives me a giggle, because I can never figure out how they start or why, but its nice to know folks are talking about us.  Just in case anyone is gullible enough to believe what they hear, here are a few Beau's myth busters for you.

1)  100% of our beer is brewed in Vankleek Hill, Ontario. 

Full disclosure here...in the summer of 2008 we did try a total of 3 batches at a Toronto brewery.  It was a good experiment and taught us that we're really, really picky about the way our beer is made and ever since 100% of our beer has been brewed in Vankleek Hill.

2) 100% of our beer is certified organic

Ok, there is one exception - our Pan Ontario beer released for Ontario Craft Beer Week is made from a blend of 5 breweries beers across the province...the beer they supplied isnt organic, so neither will this be

3)  We are very supportive of the craft beer industry. 

I've helped dozens of would-be brewers and start ups with free advice and help when they needed it (we lent Broadhead a skid of growlers when they ran out and Kichissippi has borrowed growler caps).  We make a point to offer another craft beer to restaurants if we cant give them something they want and our sales reps are strictly forbidden to trash talk other breweries (not that they would, we hired 'em cause their cool, yo)

4) I'm not a robot. 

I just work really hard :)

5)  We are still very much a craft brewery

I can't believe I even need to address this one, but yes, we are very small, 100% privately owned by friends and family - no other brewery has any stake whatsoever in our company and yes we continue to make beer without corn syrop, rice extract or other cheapeners.  Our growth has been due to the support of the restuarants and LCBO stores and our fans who demand it everytime they go out. 

6) Hear any more rumours?  I'm happy to answer them!  We've always believeed in being transparent in how we run our brewery, so feel free to ask.  My email address is steve@beaus.ca

Cheers everybody!


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